Montag, 16. Dezember 2013

Immer wieder Montags

Immer wieder Montags

Ich freue mich so sehr das ich es heute wieder geschafft habe meine "G´s" euch wieder aufzuschreiben.

Gesehen: Madagaskar (der absolute Lieblingsfilm von meinem Sohn), Breakfast bei Tiffany´s

Gehört: Go Gentle, ich mag den Sänger an sich nicht so gerne, aber mit diesem Lied hat er es mir angetan. =)

Getan: die Wohnung mega sauber gemacht, da wir über die Feiertage dafür nicht sehr viel Zeit haben.

Gegessen: leckere Schnitzel, von meinem Mann gemacht und ein mega leckeres Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich 

Gelesen: Wissenschaftlich Arbeiten leicht gemacht & Charleston Girl von Sophie Kinsella

Getrunken: Leckeren Latte und Glühwein

Gedacht: das es momentan in großen Schritten auf das Ende des Jahres zugeht und ich eigentlich sehr froh bin wenn das Jahr rum ist.

Gefreut:  das ich mein Weihnachtswichtel rechtzeitig fertig hatte und pünktlich verschicken konnte und das Miss Platnum nach Frankfurt kommt nächstes Jahr.

Geärgert: über DM, da sie unsere Weihnachtskarten ruiniert haben und mir einfach mal ein blaues Auge verpasst haben und der ganze Auftrag noch mal gemacht werden musste und ich eine ganze Woche auf unsere Weihnachtskarten warten musste und ich sie heute erst schreiben kann und morgen erst verschicken kann.

Gewünscht: ein neues Bett, weil das was wir gerade haben einfach zu klein ist, wenn der kleine Mann noch nachts dazu kommen möchte.

Gekauft: eine ganz tolle Lippenpflege, die macht die Lippen ganz weich.

Geklickt: die üblichen Verdächtigen (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest)

Gestaunt: über die gewitztheit (sagt man das so) von meinem kleinen Mann.

So ihr Lieben bis bald, 

Hugs, Vanessa

Montag, 9. Dezember 2013

Mal probieren

Huhu, da bin ich wieder. Ich habe auf vielen Blogs einen netten Fragebogen entdeckt und da hab ich mir mal gedacht, ich probier das auch mal aus. Ich hoffe das ich das regelmäßig machen kann. Dann fang ich einfach mal an.

Gesehen: kleine Schiffe und die üblichen Serien

Gehört: jedes Jahr um diese Zeit entdecke ich immer wieder mein absolutes Lieblingslied zur Weihnachtszeit und dieses Jahr habe ich eine noch viel, viel schönere Version davon gehört. Es ist Little Drummer Boy von Pentatonix und ich könnte es zum Leidwesen meiner Familie den ganzen Tag rauf und runter hören.

Getan: Weihnachtsgeschenke gebastelt =)

Gegessen: einen gaaaaaanz leckeren Fitnessbagel, den ich mir dann auch gleich mal Zuhause nachmachen musste und meine bessere Hälfte fand ihn genauso lecker wie ich.

Gelesen: Wissenschaftlich schreiben leicht gemacht!

Getrunken: White Chocolate Mocca - sehr sehr lecker

Gedacht: nicht mehr lange und dann ist endlich Weihnachten und wir haben alle zusammen frei und wir machen endlich wieder unser Traditionstreffen.

Gefreut: auf die Stilblüten mit meiner Liebsten Lady J gegangen und einen wunderschönen Tag mit ihr verbracht. 

Geärgert: über Menschen in meinem Leben die es anderen sehr viel einfacher machen, obwohl sie sich besser nicht einmischen sollten und Leuten die nicht zu ihrem Wort stehen und überheblich dadurch wirken.

Gewünscht: das die nächsten 2 Wochen schnell rum gehen, damit wir endlich gaaanz viel Familienzeit haben und ein wenig mehr Zeit für mich zum kreativ sein.

Gekauft: einen wunderschönen Nagellack von Manhattan/Matte Sugar Finish/Glitter for Life

Geklickt: die üblichen verdächtigen wie Facebook, Pinterest und viele, viele Blogs.

Gestaunt: wie toll mein Sohn seinen eigenen Namen schreiben kann. 

So ihr Lieben bis bald, 

Hugs, Vanessa

Mittwoch, 27. November 2013

Let the Christmastime begin

Hey everybody,

it´s the Time of the Year, let the planning for Christmas begin. Yesterday I got the E-Mail with the things that the girl/lady likes who I am surprising for Christmas and now I can finally start to make something for her.

At the moment I am having a terrible Cold and my little man too, he started first having it and then gave it to me and now he has it again and I have it too. I hope that we both are done with it at the end of the week. I really need to get his advent-calendar done. At the End of the Day I am so exhausted and just want to lay down. And I still need to get the gifts for Christmas and I am afraid that Christmas is coming too fast, lol. 

Last weekend we had our yearly Family Photo Shooting, glad it is over, it was nice, but it is no fun when you are sick. I tried to do my best, but i couldn't find the right makeup to hide my red nose. We will see. I think the pics turned out ok. As soon as I get them I will make a Post with them. 

I will get back on my Couch and watch Jake and the neverland pirates with my little man.

Hugs, Vanessa

Mittwoch, 13. November 2013


Auch dieses Jahr bin ich wieder dabei. 
Ich freue mich sehr darauf und werde euch berichten was ich gemacht habe und was ich bekommen habe.

                Lasst die Weihnachtszeit beginnen. 


Mittwoch, 6. November 2013

A little short Trip with lovely People

In October we took a little short Trip for the Weekend. It was so lovely but just too short. We went with my Best Friend Lady J. and her Husband, my Husband and our Son. We had a huge Apartment which had space for 8 People. It had a huge Balcony with a perfect view directly to the Ocean.

Our Balcony with the perfect View.

There was a great Pirates Playground which was perfect for our little man.

The Hubby and our little man.

We were so Lucky with the Weather, it was so sunny and warm. It rained one Day for about an Hour. 

We took a mudflat hiking tour. We had so much Fun and learned alot.

And then the Water came back.

It was a Perfect Getaway.

 My Family and me.

The complete Crew.

And because it was so nice, we already reserved the Apartment for next Year for a complete Week.

Hugs, Vanessa

Sonntag, 3. November 2013

My Grandma

April 24. this Year is a Day that I will never forget. On April 24. my dear Grandma died. That Day changed everything. After my Grandpa died I always said, I never ever want a Phone Call like that and I don´t want anybody to tell me that a beloved Family Member has died. And this Day I didn´t receive a Call like that. (Long Post ahead) 

That Day, I went to College as usual and I had a Babysitter for Mr. J. cause wednesdays is always my longest Day at College and I can´t pick up my lil man. So I have to organize a Babysitter. My Grandma was really sick and we knew that she would die because of this stupid Cancer. 
So I was at College and at about Lunchtime, I received a Call from my Mom saying that the Doctors said we should get to the Hospital cause there wasn´t much time left for her. So I left everything behind me, ran Home jumped in the Car and went on the Highway with the Hope that She was still alive when I get to her, so that she wasn´t alone when she made her last journey. I was driving so fast, drove into to Parkinglot and just ran into this Hospital like someone was chasing after me. I just wanted to be with her. I went to the Nurses Room and told them that I was the Granddaughter and that I wanted to visit my Grandma. The Nurse looked at me and asked me if I was informed and I answered that the Doctor had called my Mom and she called me. And at this Moment everything changed. The Nurse took my Hand and told me she was so sorry and that my Grandma has just died a few Minutes before I arrived and that she was so sorry for me. I looked at that Nurse and started crying and told her that that couldn´t be and that my Grandma had to wait for me. I was screaming. I had a breakdown. The Nurse took me and sat me on a chair and told me to calm down and that she was soo sorry. After I finally had me back under control I asked her again if I could go to my Grandma, and she asked me if I was sure that I can do it. And I assured her that I was ok and that I want to see my Grandma. Then she went with me to my Grandma and let me be with her alone. I called my Mom and yelled in the Phone that my Grandma has died. And she told me that she already knew it and that they didn´t want to call me cause they knew that I was on the Highway and that they didn´t want to make an accident. After I had talked to my Mom I was with my Grandma. I talked to her, I held her Hand. I told her that I never ever wanted her to be alone on her last Journey. She died about 5 Minutes before I came. After about an Hour the Rest of my Family came into the Hospital.

So I never received that Call, but I am not sure if it should make me feel better. 

I miss my Grandma alot. We had our differences but I loved her and I could always call her and visit her and talk to her. 
I know that my Grandma is in a Better Place now and she is finally together with my Grandpa. But she is really missed here. I am Thankful that I was able to have my Grandma with me on my Wedding and that she was able to see and meet her Great Grandchild.

Grandma, I miss you and love you sooo much!!! 
 My Grandma on my Wedding Day with me.
With my Cousin and me on my Wedding.

On my Wedding.

The Day her Great Grandchild was born, I was so proud that she came to the Hospital. 

The 2 Proud Great Grandmas and my Mother in Law.





Thank you for Everything Grandma, I LOVE YOU!

Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013

Something Special that makes me Happy every Day

My Dear and Best Friend Lady J. married her Soulmate this Year and I had the Honor to be her Matron of Honor. 

It was an amazing Wedding.

 I will make a Post about it soon.

After her Wedding, she made me a gift. She made me an Album with all the Special Moments of her Wedding with her and me.
And always when I take the Album it puts a smile on my Face and makes me feel better and happy. 

It is so special. 
She is so special. 

She knows me the best. We´ve known each other for such a long time. And even when we don´t talk every Day, we always know when we need each other.

My Dear Lady J. 
Thank you soo much for this special Gift and for your special Friendship.
I Love you!